Tuesday, January 12
There will be a softball meeting today at 3:05 after school in the North library for anyone that is interested in trying out for softball this spring.
Wednesday, January 13
Drama Club’s next meeting is today after school in the south band room. Anyone is welcome to join us for a good time.
Grand Valley State University will be here on Thursday, January 14 to do on-site admissions. If interested, please see Mrs. Bloemers at the North Reception Desk to schedule an appointment with the college representative.
All interested sophomores and juniors can attend the CTC assembly on Thursday.
6:00-Boys JV Wrestling at Rockford High School
7:00-Boys Varsity Wrestling at Rockford High School
8:00-Boys Varsity Ice Hockey at Northview
Today & Tomorrow at WO - Tuesday & Wednesday
Posted by L. Walcott on Tuesday, January 12, 2010 in Today at WO | Comments : 0